APSIMWheatPhenology package rewrites APSIM wheat phenology model using R to speed up the performance for multiple simulations.
Currently on Github only. Install with:
Wheat phenology can be calculated in multiple ways.
met <- system.file("extdata/weather.met", package = "APSIMWheatPhenology")
sim <- system.file("extdata/example.sim", package = "APSIMWheatPhenology")
# Flowering time using parameter in the sim file
df <- wheatPhenology(sim, stages = 6, stageNames = 'flow', model = 'APSIM',
met = met, daily = FALSE)
# Models V1 or V2 can be used
df <- wheatPhenology(sim, stages = 6, stageNames = 'flow', model = 'V1',
met = met, daily = FALSE)
# Weather can be passed as a weaana object
met_data <- weaana::readWeatherRecords(met)
df <- wheatPhenology(sim, stages = 6, stageNames = 'flow', model = 'APSIM',
met = met_data, daily = FALSE)
# Multiple stages can be calculated
df <- wheatPhenology(sim, stages = c(5.74, 6), stageNames = c("head", 'flow'),
model = 'APSIM',
met = met_data, daily = FALSE)
# Daily output can be exported
df <- wheatPhenology(sim, stages = c(5.74, 6), stageNames = c("head", 'flow'),
model = 'APSIM',
met = met_data, daily = TRUE)
# Multiple simulations can be specified in a factor
# Any parameters related with plant can be used
factors <- expand.grid(list(vern_sens = seq(1, 5), photop_sens = seq(1, 5)))
df <- wheatPhenology(sim, stages = c(5.74, 6), stageNames = c("head", 'flow'),
model = 'APSIM',
met = met_data, daily = FALSE,
factors = factors)